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Welcome to The Kalamos Mythos Database!

The central hub for information and stories from the universe of the Kalamos Mythos.

What is the Kalamos Mythos Database?

The Kalamos Mythos Database serves as a central hub to the the universe regarding the Kalamos Mythos. The Kalamos Mythos (formerly known as Cooku Comics before it became the Cooku Universe until it finally became the Kalamos Mythos) is a shared universe in which all of the writings by Commander Raidx are set. Like some writers, Radix enjoys the idea of having everything he has ever written being set in the same world or at least within the expanded Multiverse of that world.

So what exactly is the Kalamos Mythos? Is it a fan fiction? Is it original fiction? Well, the truth of the matter is that the Kalamos Mythos is complicated. Commander Radix had his sort of "fan fiction" stage when he created homemade comics like many other kids about fictional characters like Batman and the Transformers. However, he later would explore creating a semblance of original fiction including works like Space Wizards, President Me! and Conquest. These stories were all part of a shared universe but it wasn't until late 2017, early 2018 in which Radix began to tie the universe more closely together. In the end, you get a hybrid world of fan fiction from various franchises (primarily DC, Marvel, and the Hasbro Universes) stuck together with a heap of original fiction. The resulting combination is a world filled with continuity, lore, and both familiar faces and complex original characters. To call the Kalamos Mythos fan fiction would throw off the fan fiction crowd when they come across the large influence some guy named Alexander Prantesis had in the world. To call the Kalamos Mythos original fiction would be disingenuous when the reader starts with the first few chapters focusing on Batman fighting crime. Commander Radix personally calls the Kalamos Mythos "Hybrid Fiction" which is really just another way of saying "a mess."

But it's Radix's mess. So he's trying to do the best he can with it.



Featured Article

Admiral Marie Dupuis

Admiral Marie Jeanne Dupuis is a calm, traditional, and skilled admiral in the French Navy. Once a fervent supporter of Alexander Pratensis, she had a change of heart especially after the bloody Franco-Bavorian War where she saw her own family blown to pieces by Bavorian naval missiles. Picking up the pieces of her life, Dupuis joined the French Navy and immediately showed promise. Her immense skill in the field of strategy has earned her a place at the head of la Grande Marine during the Franco-American War and as a French military officer who contributed to the Pact Fleet during the Endless Crisis.


Did you know...

Latest Releases

As of February 2019, the Kalamos Mythos has been divided into two series, The Kalamos Mythos which covers ongoing fiction starting from 2019 and The Kalamos Mythos: The Decennium Compendium which seeks to collect, revise, expand, and streamline Kalamos Mythos fiction that was written from 2005 to 2018 and to make the backlog of continuity in the Kalamos Mythos more accessible.

The Kalamos Mythos Chapter 32: "You May Dream All Alone"

The Kalamos Mythos: The Decennium Compendium Chapter 159: "Battle of Metropolis"

Cooku Comics/Cooku Universe/Kalamos Mythos series:

Ongoings — Batman ・ Batman Year 2 ・ Batman Year 3 ・ Batman Year 4 ・ The Transformers

Events — Genesis ・ Blackest Night ・ Civil War ・ Crisis on Two Earths

Miniseries — Wolverine: Road to the X-Men ・ Batgirl ・ J.S.A. ・ Universal Heroes ・ Batman/Superman ・ The Fastest Man Alive: The Flash ・ The Emerald Crusader: Green Lantern ・ Batman: Bold ・ Green Lantern Corps ・ Spectre: Death is a Long Road ・ Batman Year 1 ・ Jason Todd: Lost Days ・ Secret Origins

Graphic novels — Cooku Heroes: The Graphic Novel ・ Cooku Heroes Graphic Novel: Earth 2

One-shot comics — Batman: Christmas Special ・ Superman ・ Superman Year 2 ・ The Fastest Man Alive: The Flash and the Emerald Crusader: Green Lantern ・ Supercat ・ Batman: The Halloween Special ・ Supreme ・ Shadow ・ Shifter

Ongoing text stories — President Me!

Novels — Space Wizards ・ Space Wizards: The Prophecy ・ Space Wizards: The Dark Assassin ・ Space Wizards: The Final Apocalypse ・ Space Wizards: The Truth of Things ・ Conquest Volume 1: Broken Promises ・ Conquest Volume 2: A Family ・ Conquest Volume 3: Separate Ways ・ Conquest Volume 4: The Fighter

Short text series — Sword and Musket ・ The Stormwatchers

One-shot text stories — The 9th Panzer Division ・ For King and Country

ACT II: REBIRTH ERA (2016-2017)

Miniseries — H.E.R.O. — The Greatest Generation

One-shots — Rebirth ・ Batman (2016) ・ Superman (2016) ・ The Flash ・ Green Lantern ・ Justice For All ・ Krona's Mistake ・ Transformers: Lights Out ・ Captain's Log - A Story From Transformers: Forsaken ・ A Nice Little Town ・ Batman: There Will Come a Dark Knight ・ Shining Moon ・ Moon Knight: Restoration ・ Six Missing Years ・ President Me! Finale ・ For King and Conquest

Timelines — Conquest Timeline ・ Uptonia Timeline


Flagship title — Cooku Universe

Ongoings — Conquest: Loss ・ Transformers: Legacy ・ Conquest: Legacy ・ Cooku Universe Spotlight ・ G.I. Joe

Miniseries — The Avengers ・ Space Wizards: Cosmic ・ Dredcor ・ Brave ExKaiser

One-shots — Cooku Universe Independence Day Special ・ Spider-Man Year One ・ Spider-Man Year Two ・ Spider-Man Year Three ・ Cooku Universe: Legacy ・ Cooku Universe: Thirty Day Writing Challenge ・ The Punisher ・ History of the Cooku Universe

Collections — The Cooku Universe Collection Phase One

Revisions — The Kalamos Mythos (2018)


Flagship titleThe Kalamos Mythos (2019)

RevisionsThe Kalamos Mythos: The Decennium Compendium